⚠️5 Reasons: Why ArlyeAI is better than other AI Writing Tools

Reason 1: ArlyeAI Use The Most Powerful GPT-3 in World

We do not use custom AI , proprietary GPT-3, or GPT-JT, or open-source solutions. We use GPT-3 created by OpenAI

Why any other AI model is worst than OpenAI GPT-3 ?

OpenAI GPT-3 is the most advanced AI language model available. It has been trained on a massive dataset of over 45TB of text, and has achieved state-of-the-art results in numerous natural language processing tasks. GPT-3's advantage comes from its ability to generalize well beyond what it was specifically trained for; this means that it can be used for many different applications without needing additional training or data sets.

OpenAI researchers have developed algorithms such as RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) which allow GPT models to better align with user goals, leading to more accurate and less harmful results in tests than any other currently known AI model.

Read this article to understand why ArlyeAI is better than other:

Reason 2: ArlyeAI is The Most Affordable

ArlyeAI uses direct API connection and you pay only $0.25 / 10 000 words for OpenAI API + small subscription fee for ArlyeAI (here you can check prices).

Reason 3: ArlyeAI is Real Unlimited

  • Unlimited Words

  • Unlimited Documents

  • Unlimited Formulas

  • Unlimited Variables

  • Unlimited Custom Templates

  • Unlimited Custom Workflows

But you should understand that you have to pay $0.25 / 10 000 words for OpenAI API

Reason 4: ArlyeAI is Deep Customized AI

You can enter as many variables to get the best result. Use "Deep learning" mode to get outstanding results. Also you will be able to run multiple AI tasks with custom workflows.

Reason 5: ArlyeAI has Useful Chrome Extension

Last updated